Academic journal articles
Pasternak, S. (2023) How Colonialism Makes Its World: Infrastructure and First Nation Debt in Canada Annals of the American Association of Geographers PDF↓
Pasternak, S., Ceric, I. (2022) “'The Legal Billy Club': First Nations, Injunctions, and the Public Interest” Toronto Metropolitan Law Review. [coming soon] PDF↓
Pasternak, S. (2022) Policing Jurisdiction. In, Infrastructure, Jurisdiction, Extractivism: Keywords for decolonizing geographies. Political Geography (edited collection) online 15 December 2022.
Pasternak, S., Scott, D. (2020) Introduction: Getting the Land Back. South Atlantic Quarterly 119.2, 205-213. PDF↓
Pasternak, S. (2020)"Assimilation and Partition: How Settler Colonialism and Racial Capitalism Co-Produce the Borders of Indigenous Economies." South Atlantic Quarterly 119.2. PDF↓
Pasternak, S. (2019) "Introduction: Colonialism in Three Landscapes." South Atlantic Quarterly 118:4. PDF↓
Pasternak, S. with Schabus, N. (2019) "Privatizing Uncertainty and Socializing Risk: Indigenous Legal and Economic Leverage in the Federal Trans Mountain Buy-Out." University of New Brunswick Law Journal 70 209-231. PDF↓
Pasternak, S. with Tia Dafnos, (2018) "How does a settler state secure the circuitry of capitalism?" Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Special issue on Turbulent Circulation, 36:4, 739–757. PDF↓
Pasternak, S. (2015) "The Fiscal Body of Sovereignty: To 'Make Live' in Indian Country," Settler Colonial Studies 6:4, 1-22. PDF↓
Pasternak, S. (2015) "How Capitalism will Save Colonialism: The Privatization of Reserve Lands in Canada," Antipode 47:1, 179–196. PDF↓
Pasternak, S. (2014) "Jurisdiction and Settler Colonialism: Where Laws Meet,"Special Issue: Law & Decolonization, Canadian Journal of Law and Society 29:2, 145-161. PDF↓
Pasternak, S. with Sue Collis, Tia Dafnos (2013) "Criminalization at Tyendinaga: Securing Canada's Colonial Property Regime through Specific Land Claims," Canadian Journal of Law and Society 28:1, 65-81. PDF↓
Pasternak, S. with David Wachsmuth (2008) "Use It or Lose It: Toronto's 'Use It or Lose It' Campaign for Affordable Housing," Critical Planning Journal 15, 7-22. PDF↓
Book chapters
Pasternak, S., Walby, K., Stadnyk, A. (2022) "Introduction," In Disarm, Defund, Dismantle: Police Abolition in Canada, eds. Shiri Pasternak, Kevin Walby, Abby Statnyk. Toronto: Between the Lines Press. PDF↓
Pasternak, S. (2022) "Canada is a Bad Company: Police as colonial mercenaries for state and capital," In Disarm, Defund, Dismantle: Police Abolition in Canada, eds. Shiri Pasternak, Kevin Walby, Abby Stadnyk. Toronto: Between the Lines Press. PDF↓
Pasternak, S. (2022) "'Why does a hat need so much land?'" In Allotment Stories: Indigenous Responses to Settler Colonial Land Privatization, eds. Daniel Heath Justice and Jean M. O'Brien. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. PDF↓
Pasternak, S. (2021) "Hydraulic Imperialism and the Infrastructure of Canadian Colonialism," In Muskrat Falls: How a Mega Dam Became a Predatory Formation, eds. Lisa Moore and Stephen Crocker, Newfoundland: Memorial University Press. PDF↓
Pasternak, S. (2021) "Jurisdiction." In Routledge Handbook of Law and Society, eds. Eve Darian-Smith, Kamari Clarke, Prabha Kotiswaran and Mariana Valverde. New York: Routledge Press. PDF↓
Pasternak, S. and Lee, D. (2021) "The Social Welfare of Indigenous People." In Introduction to Social Welfare in Canada: Inclusion, Equity and Social Justice, 4th edition, eds. Steven Hick and Jackie Stokes. Thompson Books. PDF↓
Pasternak, S. with Katie Mazer, Troy Cochrane (2019) "The Financing Problem of Colonialism: How Indigenous Jurisdiction is Valued in Pipeline Politics," #NoDAPL and Mni Wiconi: Reflections on Standing Rock, ed. Jaskiran Dhillon and Nick Estes, (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press). PDF↓
Pasternak, S. (2018) "Property as a Technique of Jurisdiction." Contested Property Claims: What disagreement tells us about ownership, Mikkel Thorup, Maja Hojer Bruun, Bjarke Skærlund Risager & Patrick Cockburn, eds. (New York: Routledge). PDF↓
Pasternak, S. (2017) "Blockade: A Meeting Place of Law." In Whose Land is it Anyway? A Manuel for Decolonization, eds. Peter McFarlane and Nicole Schabus, Vancouver: Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC. PDF↓
Pasternak, S. (2016) "A Tale of Two Visions for Canada: The Trilateral Agreement versus the Land Claims Policy." Aboriginal History: A Reader, 2nd Edition, Kristin Burnett and Geoff Read, eds., (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press). PDF↓
Pasternak, S. (2016) "Occupy(ed) Canada: The Political Economy of Indigenous Dispossession." In The Winter We Danced, eds. The Kino-nda-niimi Collective. Winnipeg: ARP Books. [reprinted article] PDF↓
Pasternak, S. (2012) "The Colonizer Who Refuses: Indigenous Solidarity in Toronto." In Deep Routes: The Midwest in All Directions, eds. Compass Collaborators. Michigan: White Wire. PDF↓
Pasternak, S., Magzul, L, Turner, N. (2009) "Born from Bears and Corn: Why Indigenous Knowledge Matters in the Debate about Genetically Engineered Food." In Gene Taboos: Religious Attitudes to Genetically Modified Food, eds. Harold Coward and Conrad Brunk. New York: SUNY Press. PDF↓
Pasternak, S. (2004) "'Beggars Can't Be Choosers': GE Food Aid and the Threat to Food Sovereignty." In Gene Traders: Biotechnology, World Trade, and the Globalization of Hunger, ed. Brian Tokar. Vermont: Toward Freedom Press.